You wake up in a vault you remembered that on TV that a strange virus has made zombies and that you went in the vault that holds 19 other people. You look around the room who are you talking to?
[[The Bussiness man]]
[[The Blind women]]
[[The Child]]The bussiness man looks unconscious but wants touched jolted up yelling "What the heck am I doing here" yelling makes more people looking at him. you tried to make him relaxed the businessmen relaxed as he finally tells you his name Anderson, but then you seen 3 people go and open the vault with 1 even having a fire axe in hand. (set: $path to "C")
[[Go with them]]
[[Stay in the vault]]You go and talk to the blind women and you relax with the blind women, she says that her name is Rin Kyrsten and she is able to see around 30 ft eventhough she is blind. Then the bussiness man seems to freak out what do you do? (set: $path to "B")
[[Leave the room]]
[[Leave the Vault]] You talk to the child and he says in a timid voice "I-I a-am Surya Sunil.." you then chill with him, then the bussinss man starts freaking out what do you do? (set: $path to "A")
[[Leave the vault with the kid->Leave the Vault]]
[[Leave the room with the kid ->Leave the room]] (if: $path is "A")[You with Surya quickly leave the room seeing mayhem in the next, you then see a person who is trying to grab the fire axe from the break glass what are you doing?
[[Try to push him and tell Surya to grab the fire axe]]
[[Grab a knife.]]
(else:)[You with Rin quickly leave the room seeing mayhem in the next, you then see a person who is trying to grab the fire axe from the break glass what are you doing?
[[Try to push him and grab the fire axe.]]
[[Grab a knife.]]]You asked the one with the axe if you can join him Anderson also tries to join, he then said "Well welcome to the Undead Warden gang" he says with a smirk. You guys then leave as you see a bunch of zombies getting close. With you having no weapon do you want to fight?
[[Run Away]]
[[Fight The Zombies]]
[[Stay Back]]You and Anderson stays behind as the rest leaves. You then scavenge food. You got MRE's a poptart and a snack bar. As you are about to leave you gound a knife and a baseball bat left. What do you get?
[[Get The Knife]]
[[Get The Baseball Bat]]With your new knife you then killed the man in the room everyone looks at you what are you going to do?
[[Kill everyone there]]
[[Try to explain yourself]]You try to grab the fire axe but get stabbed in the left side, you then fall down as Rin then gets stabbed as well. As you kill the person your adhrenaline fade's away as you and Rin then die.
[[The start]] With you being afraid of your life you stabbed everyone in the vault. It was a blood bath but you killed them all you then left the vault bloodied with all there stuff. You then see a bunch of zombies in front of you what are you going to do?
[[Run Away]]
[[Kill them all]](if: $path is "A")[You try to explain to the rest that he would stab you if you didn't kill him. Surya became a bit afraid of what is happining, he decided to leave your side. What do you want to do?
[[Hide your tracks]]
[[Leave the group]]
(else:)[You try to explain to the rest that he would stab you if you didn't kill him. Rin sticks up for you as she says that "death is needed if we need to live" everyone else becomes shocked. What do you want to do?
[[Hide your tracks]]
[[Grab there stuff]]
](if: $path is "A") [You and Surya left the vault unscaved you two had seen a gang names the Golden Escapists. Surya said "Do you want to talk to them and see if we can join?" (what do you want to do?)
[[Say to Surya that you're going to try to join ->join the Golden Escapists]]
[[Say to Surya that you're nott going to risk it -> don't join the Golden Escapists]]
(else:) [You and Rin left the vault unscaved you two had seen a gang names the Golden Escapists. Rin said "I hear that they have weapons what could be of use to us, so do you want to join?"
[[Say to Rin that you're going to try to join ->join the Golden Escapists]]
[[Say to Rin that you're nott going to risk it -> don't join the Golden Escapists]]
]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Surya and you grab the fire axe as you two quickly grab the fire axe while keeping the guy not getting close(if: $path is "A")[You try to hide your tracks but it took a long time, as you leave it already hit night what do you do?
[[Wait the Night Out|Ending]]
[[Go Out In The Night|Ending]]
(else:)[You and Rin hide both of your tracks luckly it is still the morning what do you do?
[[Get Supplies|Ending]]
[[Go Out In The Night|Ending]]
]You leave the group but then you get killed by Surya as you fall down you feel betrayed
[[The start]] You guys get all there stuff they do it with no resistance you guys leave killing only 1 person what do you do now?
[[Kill Rin|Ending]]
[[Go to the town|Ending]]You accept the invite thinking that a team would be better than only being alone with a little sparkle you see a gun what do you do?
[[Betray Them|Ending]]
[[Steal The Gun|Ending]]They put a gun to your head but you then quickly disarmed and killed them. You see a jeep and a tent, you then go and hit the road you then see a bandit squad in front of you. You then put on your breaks staying still.
The Bandit Leader says "come out with your hands up or we will shoot." What do you do?
[[Follow Directions|Ending]]
[[Run Them Over|Ending]]
[[Try and shoot the Sniper|Ending]]As your run away you got scratched by a zombie. You then fall down in a pit. Your legs break as multiple zombies catch up and kill you.
[[The start]] You brutally killed all of the zombies leaving no zombies alive. You then meet up with a group named the Golden Escapists. They invite you to the gang what do you do?
[[Accept the invite]]
[[Decline the invite]] You with all of your might take out zombies left and right with your team. Your team then meet up with a group named the Golden Escapists. The Golden Escapists then challenge Jack to a fight. It seems like Jack is hesitent, what do you want to do?
[[Make Jack Fight]]
[[Tell Jack To Not Do It]]
As you stay in the vault you, Anderson and the rest of the people there ate and relaxed
[[Stay Awake|Ending]]
[[Go to sleep for the day|Ending]]You tell Jack to fight the leader. Jack attacked and made it a equal fight but is on the ground do ypu want to kill the leader?
[[Don't Fight|Ending]]
[[Kill The Leader|Ending]](set: $path to "CA") You leave the vault with Anderson grabbing the Knife. You then see a bunch of zombies in the front as it looks close to night time, what do you do?
[[Fight The Zombies->Fight The Zombies 2]]
[[Wait The Zombies Out]](set: $path to "CB") You leave the vault with Anderson grabbing the Baseball Bat. You then see a bunch of zombies in the front as it looks close to night time, what do you do?
[[Fight The Zombies->Fight The Zombies 2]]
[[Wait The Zombies Out]]You wait the zombies out for a few days. You then leave the vault quitly what do you do?
[[Search for Food|Ending]]You Try to kill Jacul but you get shot on sight
[[The start]] You thank Jacul for what he done. Jacul asks both of you if you guys want to join him what do you do?
[[Accept the Offer|Ending]]
[[Decline the Offer|Ending]]You and Anderson try to fight off the zombies but it seemed like it was infinite zomies coming after you and Anderson. As you are about to die a figure appears out of no where and shoots all of them down with ease. The figure shown both of you a tunnel to a house. The figure says "My name is Jacul Westine" as he asys that he gives you a gun. With this new weapon what do you do?
[[Kill Jacul]]
[[Thank Jacul]]This is the end of the prologue.
At this point in development, this is the end :(
Thanks for playing!!!You told Jake not to fight the leader, the leader seems to have there guard down what do you want to do?
[[Shoot the Leader|Ending]]